in English
Jet World Masters

Static judging

Bbj (kopio)Aero L-39 Albatross / Baltic Bees Jet Team on the full scale and 1:5 scale at Jämi Fly In & Airshow 2011. Photo © Teemu Hallamaa

The judging of scale precision is based on a documentation of the original aircraft provided by the participant. The documentation typically features three- and six-views and images and photos of the original prototype, and usually evolves as a by-product of the intensive research for building, detailing and coloring the scale model. 

The evaluation of the scale models is done in two steps. The first assessment from five meters focuses on the exactness of the dimensions, shapes, colors and markings. A second close-up review focuses on surfaces, handicraft quality and details. The overall time for the evaluation is limited to 20 minutes. 

Siivet logo 2016 final 3 kk sini (kopio)

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