in English
Jet World Masters

Food & Drinks

Hotel Jami© Mikko Maliniemi

A buffet type lunch and dinner will be available at the Hotel Jämi restaurant at reasonable prices for teams members. The Hotel Jämi located in the middle of contest area. There are available also pizza, hamburger, beer etc. 

  • Breakfast time is between  7-10
  • Lunch time is between      11-15 
  • Dinner time is between     17-20 

The Hotel Jämi has 200 - seater terrace towards the contest runway 15/33. It is the best place to watch Jet World Masters!

Siivet logo 2016 final 3 kk sini (kopio)

  Jämilogo (kopio)      Jämijärvi vaakuna (kopio 1) (kopio)

Ilmavoimamuseo-logo (kopio) Hcf (kopio)