in English
Jet World Masters

For arriving and departing pilots


There will be a Temporary Restricted Area AIP Supplement around EFJM during the Jet World Masters 7th-19th August 2017. It is prohibited to enter the active area without permission from Airboss. Airboss phone number during the Jet World Masters and Airshow will be published later.

Jämi has two runways, 09/27 "lower runway"and 15/33 "upper runway". There is no taxiway connection between them. Please observe there is only right hand circuit to runways 15 and 27, and only left hand circuit to runways 09 and 33 available. The refueling station is on the small apron next to the lower field, near rwy 27 threshold.

During the Jet World Masters there is an "AIRBOSS" operating in the Jämi frequency 123.650 MHz. You will get runway and weather information, as well as traffic information, recommendations and perhaps even request from him/her, but remember that the AIRBOSS is not an Air Traffic Controller, and all responsibilities will still lie on Pilot-in-Command. You will not get any clearances. Despite of this fact, you are assumed to follow the recommendations to maintain high level of Flight Safety. Please note that there may be aircraft flying without radios.

The upper field 15/33 is primarily used by Jet World Masters but if too strong sidewind for your aircrafts prevents you from landing on runway 09/27, please use the runway that you consider best for a safe landing. After landing you will be welcomed and directed by our parking attendants, wearing bright color vests. They will meet you in the airfield and may give you some requests by hand signals or by radio, on the same Jämi frequency 123.650 MHz.

As runway 09/27 is likely to get congested we kindly request you to use runway for takeoffs and landings only and expedite clearing the runway to the unpaved area if you can safely do so. If not able, please taxi all the runway to the end of it instead of backtracking. This applies to takeoffs also - please keep the runway clear as long as possible and only taxi on the runway for immediate take off. Please use the grass area for taxiing.

Jet World Masters info desk will be service in Jämi Arena, please check the openings hours here. We strongly recommend that you fill a flight plan before your return flight and that you use a transponder if flying into controlled areas.

Detailed Arrival and Departure Information

There are no Border Guard or Customs Services at Jämi, so if you come from NON-Schengen or NON-EU country, please use Tampere-Pirkkala (EFTP) or other international airport for first landing in Finland.

Please check AIP Supplements and NOTAMs for latest changes. Remember to check the NAV WARNINGS from the NOTAM pages. Please check also the TSA/TRA reservations from here.


In Finland it is requested by authorities to notify in the Flight Plan (Item 18, Other Information), how you are going to close your plan, if you are not going to land to a controlled airfield. 

So, when landing to Jämi, you have two options for closing your Flight Plan, either by telephone to ACC or by radio to ACC. We strongly recommend the first option. Please write to your Flight Plan, Item 18: "RMK/ARR PHONE ACC". After landing, you have 30 minutes time to make your call, but please do it ASAP. You can use your mobile phone, or you can go to Fly In Info, and ask the infoladies to make the call. The number is +358 (probably the in-country version 0 will work as well). 

R-area is marked to the map below with blue lines. The border is the same as EFD142. While active, no entry is allowed without a permission from the AIRBOSS. During the Jet World Masters opening Airshow, entry is prohibited from all other traffic but the Display participants.

While approaching Jämi Airfield, please use the points shown on the map below. Depending of your direction, fly to one of round reporting points, Lavia, Vesajärvi, Kilvakkala or Kovelahti, and contact AIRBOSS. Those approaching from northwest, please note that the other Restricted Areas nearby may be active. We recommend to fly around them either to Lavia or Kovelahti. 

ANC Jämi reittikartta (kopio)

After passing the reporting point continue to fly the route marked with purple lines to Kovelahti, and if temporary R-Area is active, hold at Kovelahti. Keep your eyes open, because there will be other traffic, and avoid flying above populated areas. Report passing of all reporting points to AIRBOSS, but remember to use short and simple RTF, and the possibility to contact problems because of long distance. If you can't contact the AIRBOSS, transmit your location blind. Remember, however, if R-area is active you are not allowed to enter the area without permission. 

The coordinates of the reporting points are (WGS-84, DD mm ss):
  • Lavia: 61 36 00N 022 33 00E 
  • Vesajärvi: 61 38 27N 022 52 34E
  • Kilvakkala: 61 45 00N 023 01 00E 
  • Kovelahti: 61 54 00N 022 52 00E 
  • Jämijärvi: 61 50 00N 022 43 00E 
In case of expected long hold with low fuel level, it is possible to use Tampere-Pirkkala or Hameenkyro (EFHM) Airfield for intermediate landing. If you have to refuel, fly to Tampere-Pirkkala Airport. When R-area is not active, and will not become active during your expected flight time, continue to fly towards Jamijarvi -holding area (purple triangle) and continue to downwind 09 or to right downwind 27 (see the bottom map). 
Lc (kopio)

AIRBOSS may ask you to hold at Jamijarvi, if there is too much traffic on landing circuit. Please use altitude of 1000 ft MSL from point Jamijarvi to downwind, if possible. Remember to complete all common radio calls and reports while joining the landing circuit and landing. AIRBOSS will NOT give you any clearances. Approach the Airfield from north, fly a full landing circuit via downwind 09 or right downwind 27, and remember to close your flight plan. If the side wind for runways 09/27 is too strong for your aircraft, report this to AIRBOSS, and you will get recommendation to join landing circuit for runways 15/33. This is exceptional procedure, because there are only very limited parking places beside the top runway. 

Departing Traffic Please visit the Jet World Masters Info before your departure. In the Info you can check NOTAMs and get weather information, and you can file your Flight Plan as well. For take-off from the uncontrolled airfield, like Jämi, you have to write to your Flight Plan, Item 18, the way you are going to activate your Flight Plan. We recommend you to write to Item 18: "RMK/DEP PHONE ACC", and then call to ACC before take-off, when you are ready to line up to the runway. The number is the same as mentioned earlier, +358 . When R-area is active, no take-offs are allowed. This does not apply for aircraft starting their display flight. If nearby R-Area in the west (EFR73A) is not active, please hold the runway heading until 7 nm from Jämi Airfield. Departing traffic from runway 27, but heading north or east, please climb on runway heading at least to 1500 ft MSL, if possible, then turn north or east. Note, that there may be crossing traffic from north to Jämi. AIRBOSS may give you other recommendations.


Detailed chart and information for landing and departing will be published at least one month before the Jet World Masters 2017. Please check the latest information before your start.

Welcome and fly safe!

Jet World Masters 2017 Airboss-team

Siivet logo 2016 final 3 kk sini (kopio)

  Jämilogo (kopio)      Jämijärvi vaakuna (kopio 1) (kopio)

Ilmavoimamuseo-logo (kopio) Hcf (kopio)