First weekend 11-13 August 2017
< 3x3m 50€ + 25€/m2
3x3m 300€
4x4m 400€
4x8m 600€
5x12m 800€
The other size, ask!
Electricity 10A 20€
Electricity 16A - 32A 50€
First weekend and competition week, 11 - 19 August 2017
< 3x3m 50€ + 30€/m2
3x3m 400€
4x4m 500€
4x8m 700€
5x12m 900€
The other size, ask!
Electricity 10A 20€
Electricity 16A - 32A 50€
All prices VAT 0%
All places are on the outside.
If you are interested in to come exhibitor for Jet World Masters 2017, please take a contact with this form: